
StatisticsforMostWatchedBlackDesertStreamers,last7days➥Detailstatsaboutpopularchannels-Viewers,Followersandmore!,BlackDesertTwitchstatsoverthepast30days(Thai);Hourswatched.176,715.-43,782;Hoursbroadcast.6,870.-1,493;Averageviewers.245.-61;Average ...,,BlackDesertisagamethatteststhelimitationsofMMORPGbyimplementingremasteredgraphicsandaudio.Enjoyexcitingcombatandsiege,exploration, ...,4Kfollowe...

Most Watched Black Desert Streamers, last 7 days

Statistics for Most Watched Black Desert Streamers, last 7 days ➥ Detail stats about popular channels - Viewers, Followers and more!

Black Desert

Black Desert Twitch stats over the past 30 days (Thai) ; Hours watched. 176,715. -43,782 ; Hours broadcast. 6,870. -1,493 ; Average viewers. 245. -61 ; Average ...

Black Desert

Black Desert is a game that tests the limitations of MMORPG by implementing remastered graphics and audio. Enjoy exciting combat and siege, exploration, ...


4K followers. blackdesert_th. [TH] Black Desert.


BDO TH X SEA : หนาวจังเลยน่อ (•⊙ω⊙•)(•⊙ω⊙•). felnoirfiib · Black Desert. Thai. ใช้Dropได้. ใช้Dropsได้. ภาษาไทย. ไทย. felnoirfiib 正在玩《Black Desert》.

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